30 thoughts on “The FED Simply HELPED The Housing Market

  • at 4:21 am

    Reading some of the comments I don’t understand why anybody would want the interest rates to stay so high?? It just prices you out of homes it makes it unable for people to refinance. I was lucky enough to be at 3.8 but it’s certainly would be nice to refinance and I’m certainly not going to do that when it’s 6-7-8%

  • at 4:21 am

    Most of the people on the "sideline" are home owners looking to move. Thats just what I see in my world. Im 44 though so all the people I know either already own or are happy renting for life.

  • at 4:21 am

    ID like to see rates stay super high while home prices come down.

  • at 4:21 am

    The Feds formula is out of touch with reality. Time to go back to the drawing board. The antiqated formula fails to adjust for cost of living, taxes, insurance. Has to be a better way! Congress has failed the American people, special interest groups, Lobbyists, wine and dine Congress. Its disgusting and unfortunately I don't see it changing. Congres works to better themselves not the American people. End of rant.

  • at 4:21 am

    I watched several YouTube videos on how to trade in the stock market but haven't made any head start because they are either talking some gibberish or sharing their story of how they made it and I do not want to make mistakes by taking risks in my own hands.

  • at 4:21 am

    I hope we hold rates for the next 5 years. Why the expectation that the fed will always move back to lowering? The average mortgage rate for the last 40 years is 7%.

  • at 4:21 am

    To restore historical housing affordability ratios

    Ponder the inputs below to restore affordability.

    1. Rates need to fall 4.4%

    2. Income would need to increase by 62%

    3. Prices would need to fall 38%

    The answers for the inputs above below

    1. Not going to happen for years and years

    2. Not going to happen for year and years

    3. Most likely outcome look out below

    Find the derivative of the supply and demand curve today.

    Then compare that derivative to the rate of change the Treasury is currently borrowing at.

    Buy Treasuries not Real Estate

    Remember The single biggest lobbying spender in 2022 was the Scandalous National Association of Realtors, they will say and do anything for a dollar

    BlueCross/Blue Sheild put up 23.6 million

    Pharma put up 26 million

    The National Association of Realtors put up 84.1 million tells you all you need to know about Realtors.

  • at 4:21 am

    Love the content and channel. Thanks for the inspiration in getting started! Keep up the great work 🫡

  • at 4:21 am

    I monitor some areas in north and east from Dallas (Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Allen, Forney). The homes available for sale are sitting more than 30-60 days, BUT the sellers do not reduce the prices! Are they waiting for something?

  • at 4:21 am

    The average monthly mortgage payment on a new home is now 52% higher than the average apartment rent, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), based on data from real estate firm CBRE.

  • at 4:21 am

    They need to keep rates high! Nietzsche! People can’t be buying houses for 800k for a 200k house that’s just ridiculous! Hold the rates up!

  • at 4:21 am

    Just my personal outlook but we live in a more densly populated area and I see a lot of multi family living, apartments, condos, etc going up. I have even seen neighborhoods with mixed single and multi units. I think single family homes are going to become more scarce and multi family living units more popular in what's available. But we'll see!

    I think your take on 'those sitting on the sidelines' is interesting. They all made me feel like we needed to be doing the same thing because they keep touting 'we're going to be the smart ones and you'll regret not joining us ' I hope they find what they're looking for and I wish them the best but I'm glad we didn't wait because we have small kids that need roots and a good place to sprout. I hate that houses have become an investing game rather than 'I need shelter to keep us alive' 🫠

  • at 4:21 am

    It is like the doctor will stop chemo to help cancer. Shelter inflation bubble is the main contributing of inflation. FED will cut rate only when people stop buying ie unemployed.

  • at 4:21 am

    Remember next year is an election year so they got to make the economy look Rosy even if it's not

  • at 4:21 am

    The fed will keep things higher for longer until housing market inventory is forced to increase with higher rates. IE, forced selling, unemployment increasing. This is the sweet spot where people will start to struggle unfortunately.

  • at 4:21 am

    If they drop the rates, so many people who have been waiting for a crash will miss the opportunity to buy because prices will shoot up.

  • at 4:21 am

    Mortgage rates will not crash. For those who are hoping for this to happen do not get your hopes up. It will be a slow grind down over years.


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